Assessment Plan

Students Taking Education Personally | Qaulity Enhancement Plan
STEP Project Assessment Plan
Goal: to Improve the success of at-risk students in select programs by improving the student learning environment.
Objective Outcome Assessment Frequency
Students participating in the STEP Project will receive program specific tutoring and/or supplemental instruction to successfully complete course objectives.
95% of students participating in the STEP Project will participate in program specific tutoring and/or supplemental instruction every semester.
Community College Survey of Student Engagement. Spring even years
Participation records for each strategy. Fall and Spring
STEP Project Participation Survey. Fall and Spring
Comparative data - Comprehensive final exam in major courses PTAC 1302, PTAC 1410, CETT 1403, INCR 1402, Fall and Spring
Students participating in the STEP Project will be intrusively advised to facilitate successful completion of their degree plan. 95% of students participating in the STEP Project will meet at least twice each semester with the STEP Project Coordinator and/or an academic advisor to assess their progress towards their degree completion and career goals. Community College Survey of Student Engagement. Spring even years
Attendance records. Fall and Spring
STEP Project Participation Survey. Fall and Spring
Academic records. Fall and Spring
Participation records. Fall and Spring
Advising records. Fall and Spring
Goal: To increase student learning in the gatekeeper courses.
Objective Outcome Assessment Frequency
Students participating in the STEP Project will show an increase in test scores in gatekeeper course(s) specific to their respective majors when compared to non-participants. STEP Project students will show a 5% increase in the comprehensive final exam score in gatekeeper course(s) when compared to non-participants Comparative Data - All courses Step Project Participants /Non participants Fall and Spring
Grade distribution Analysis report
Comparative data-Comprehensive final exam in gatekeeper courses MATH 1332, SCIT 1494, SCIT 1418
Students participating in the STEP Project will maintain satisfactory academic progress. 80% of students participating in the STEP Project will complete course within their major with a “C” or better every semester. Grade distribution Analysis report Fall and Spring
Academic records
Comparative Data - All courses Step Project Participants /Non participants
85% of will remain in the STEP Project for two semesters. STEP Project Participation Survey Fall and Spring
Advising records
Goal: To use survey data to design student support services to improve student persistence in select programs.
Objective Outcome Assessment Frequency
Students participating in the STEP Project will complete the CCSSE Survey. 90% of STEP Project students will complete the CCSSE Survey with LIT customized questions in the spring semester of even years. Community College Survey of Student Engagement data Spring even years
Students participating in the STEP Project will complete LIT surveys. 90% of STEP Project students will complete the STEP Project Advising Survey during their first week in the STEP Project. LIT STEP Project Advising Survey data Fall
90% of STEP Project students will complete the STEP Project Advising Survey upon completion of their degree or transfer. LIT STEP Project Advising Survey data Fall or Spring
90% of STEP Projects students will complete the STEP Project Participation Survey at the end of each semester of their first year in the STEP Project. LIT STEP Project Participation Survey data Fall and Spring