Automotive Collision Repair Technology - Certificate

Automotive Collision Repair Technology -Cert

The student will learn the basics of automotive collision repair including non-structural metal and plastic compound repair, as well as basic refinishing practices.

What will I learn?

Students will learn basic collision repair processes using industry-standard techniques and equipment. Students will also become proficient in automotive refinishing, advanced refinishing techniques, damage analysis, and collision repair estimating.

What can I do with this Certificate

The Automotive Collision Repair Certificate Program provides individuals with the knowledge and skill-set to enter the highly competitive field of Collision and Refinishing repair as an intern.

Automotive Collision Repair Technology -

This program consists of a 2-semester (15 hours) course of work at the high school level. Students who complete the program will receive a Level I Certificae in Automotive Collision Repair Technology.
Program Credits: 15
Lecture Hours: 8
Lab Hours: 22
There are no specific admission requirements for this program of study.
Learn more about the tuition and special fees required for this program.